Minnie Muse on Spotify
July 2020

Lou Reed
Walk on the Wild Side, Album Cover
Sometimes the right song can put us in the best mood even in the hardest of times. So for this summer, why not visit some classic throwbacks that never fail to lift spirits? Enter: the Minnie Muse Spotify Playlist for July 2020. On this playlist you will find some uniquely curated favorite classic rock tunes written by some of music’s most beloved legends that all share a distinctly summer vibe. So through the month of July, we can listen to all the kinds of jams you can’t help but turn up a little when we hear them come on the radio.

Leonard Cohen
Various Positions, Album Cover

Bob Dylan
Like A Rolling Stone, Gates of Eden, Album Cover

Sonic Youth
If I Were a Carpenter, Album Cover

David Bowie
Heroes, Album Cover
While there is something both fun and relaxing about this playlist, the music is also profoundly influential. The artists on this playlist have truly touched the history of music with their songs and artistry. Kicking it off with Nico and songs from both her solo career and work with Velvet Underground, the playlist soon begins to dive into areas of Rock ‘n Roll from Fleetwood Mac to Jimmy Hendrix. So while at once, you’re grooving to light acoustics paired nicely with sitting by a campfire or drive to the beach, the next song might have you perfecting that air guitar solo. Regardless, they are all feelgood tracks- all the while transcending time and withstanding their reputations of having changed the world of music in some uplifting way.

Chelsea Girl, Album Cover

The Kinks
Part One, Album Cover

Fleetwood Mac
Fleetwood Mac, Album Cover

Jimi Hendrix
The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Album Cover