Nick Cave - The Let Go

Nick Cave
The Let Go
Interdisciplinary American artist Nick Cave has become internationally known by way of his majestic ‘soundsuits’ – sculptural costumes made of a variety of materials and media, enveloping the wearer’s body, immersing individuals under layers of political statements and racial undertones – as well as through his vivacious performances, which reside at the epicenter of immersive installation and participatory experience. Cave’s latest round of experimental work is a series of Up Right performances, in which the artist invites spectators to take part his in his carefully coordinated artistic experience and let loose through sound and movement. Throughout the month of June at the Park Avenue Armory, Cave will orchestrate a cast of dancers wearing the artist’s famed soundsuits on a transformative journey, working out internal frustrations through the celebration of community and togetherness. This unique experience of dance-based encounters is a treat for the senses. Click the link provided for further information on Cave and his Up Right performance series.