Collina Strada Face Masks

Collina Strada
Fashion Face Mask With Bows
As we pay homage to the Earth this week and reckon with a time where the fashion industry may never be the same, Collina Strada is one brand to keep on the radar. The company functions on creating beautiful collections, but moreover, on the goal of being “totally sustainable and radically transparent”. Sustainability and climate/social awareness is embedded into each Collina Strada read-to-wear collection and nearly everything the brand does. Their approach to the COVID-19 crisis maintains this authentic sense of altruism and value for sustainability.
In light of being altruistic, sustainable, and beautiful, Collina Strada has started creating facemasks that hold true in each of these ways. And, they offer many ways for everyone to get their hands on this new creation. For starters for every online purchase, the brand has committed to offering two free facemasks to the customer and donating one to healthcare workers. No only this... but a purchase of a mask directly promises a donation of 5 masks to healthcare workers in New York City.
Collina Strada, Sasha Melnychuk
Fashion Mask
Collina Strada
Zen Garden Dead-stock Giveaway Masks
In buying a Collina Strada mask at this time, you aren’t just practicing sustainable consumption or helping the brand to protect others in a time of crisis. For like many things Collina Strada does, beauty and quality are not sacrificed for the greater good, but highlighted by it. Masks have varied as the corona season has lived on, and no two are exactly alike. It began with masks made from deadstock Zen Garden or AW 18's yellow plaid fabric. Then, Collina Strada began with organic cotton sewn into a simple two pleat rectangular facemask. These Collina Strada masks are veggie dyed in yellow and pinkish tie-dye pattern. They were unique, easy, subtle, and later the color varied.
Collina Strada
Veggie-Dye Masks
Now, Collina Strada is offering their stunning made-to-order “Fashion Face Masks”. Designed by Sasha Melnychuk, these upcycled masks are complete with large bow styled ties. They're beautifully made from dead-stock Colina Strada fabric used for their previous collections with a built-in opening to insert a filter. Most of all, theses Fashion Masks are stylishly expressive in a time where stylish expression feels slim.
Collina Strada
Fashion Face Mask
In addition to donating, giving away, and selling beautiful one-of-a-kind handmade facemasks, Collina Strada is also featuring a step-by-step how-to on their e-commerce site. The brand is no doubt doing their part to make safety more accessible (and more stylish) in a scary time. Through these Collina Strada facemasks, the brand continues to shed light on their commitment to the planet and those who live on it.